Sunday, March 24, 2013

Case of the Missing Perry Dress

Imagine you're a seamstress getting asked every day for two months "Mom, whey's my Pey dess?" (Translation: Mom, Where's my Perry Dress?)  Now, Imagine this face saying, "Mom, why you seeping?  Jus make my Pey dess!"  (Translation: Mom, Why are you sleeping AGAIN? It's been two months!  There are more important things to do like my PERRY DRESS?  Just make the #&^%(*!@#* thing already!)

I know you are totally with me thinking "GAH! How can you deny that face?  She's only 3.  How hard can it be to sew a little Perry Dress for her?"  And that, my friend, is the exact seed planted in a grand scheme orchastrated by my friend, Stephanie Jones, to get me to offer to help her sew her 3 year old a dress. 

Stephanie knew exactly what she was doing when she decided to get Leukemia last year. 

Here are some super fun facts about Stephanie:

1.  Stephanie was diagnosed with one of the most aggressive forms of Leukemia the day after her wedding anniversary last September: AML (Acute Myeloid Leukemia). AML FLT3 is a rare and very serious form of leukemia for which there is no cure.  Stephanie went into remission after Chemo for about 5 minutes.  They are now in the process of getting everything set up for a bone marrow transplant.  2 donors were found, but now it's a matter of getting those donors to go through the entire thing without backing out.  I don't understand it all.  I don't know all the details, but I do know I hate this cancer with a passion.

2. Stephanie has been married to Tyler for some 4.5 years and they are totally in love.  It's so gross.  My sister and I witnessed this vomit inducing love on our trip to Vegas this passed weekend.  He's been a rock when so many others would have fled the scene.  He's been by her side since day one taking care of her making her feel loved and attractive.  He takes her to every single doctor's appointment, blood transfusion thing, and everywhere else.  (Side note: When they started dating Steph didn't let him leave her house for two weeks.  He was there every day!  She's so slick.)

3. Stephanie and Ty are AMAZING parents. They have three children. Izzy, age 7 (freaking sweetest most considerate loving little girl.) Harley Quinn, age 3 (meh, middle child. She does weird things like wears her ballerina outfit complete with goggles and swimming fins when cleaning.) Locke, age 2 (he's a HUGE flirt and does the smoulder thing with his eyes.)

4. Stephanie and Tyler are the biggest nerds ever.  Don't say "World of Warcraft" out loud or you might hear a cheer about the Alliance. . . or was it about the Hoarde?  And who the heck names their children after comic book villains and video game heroes?  These two.

5. Stephanie has a wicked razor sharp sense of humor.  I suspect that is part of the reason she is able to combat the Leukemia on the good days. 

6. Stephanie is one of the best seamstresses I know.  We met in a clothing construction class at El Camino.  She even got a full ride scholarship to FIDM, the jerk! Stephanie is the girl I went to for advise when Ava and I were fighting.  She suggested things to help make it work and probably saved our relationshop at the end of the day.  Can you imagine being a seamstress and not being able to sew one thing because of a stupid dibilitating illness?  Ugh. It pisses me off just trying to imagine what she's going through.

Because Steph and Tyler have been dealing with this Leukemia thing they are relying solely on the blessings of God, their family, and friends. If you feel so inclined to be an angel and giving them a little help please go to: . Even $5 would help out. Seriously.

Anyway, this is the Perry Dress.  I went over to Steph's apartment yestereday to help knock it out since Steph had already cut out the pieces (part of her plot to psyching me into "helping" her.)  Perry is the name of the character on this fabric.   

I swear I had to restart once and then ripped this thing open 3 times because of my mistakes.  I couldn't follow the directions.  They just weren't making sense to me.  Maybe because I don't have children so I'm not used to making kids clothing or maybe it was just my post Vegas brain that was slow as molassis trying to process everything.  Eventually I finished and when we tried it on HQ it was too wide.  WTF?!  I ended up just taking it in a little under her armpits.  But she loves it.

I warned Stephanie she would have a time trying to get the thing off her.  Last night I received a text that Harley HAD to sleep in the dress.  I doubt that little girl is ever going to take it off.  Yes, she's still in the dress.  This morning I received this photo:

 I have learned my lesson about helping others.  It's a nightmare! Be warned.  Don't ever offer to finish a project for someone else!  Unless you love them, then it'll still be a nightmare, but it'll sorta be worth it.  Sorta.

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